Please spread the word! Itawamba Agricultural High School should LET CONSTANCE MCMILLEN TAKE HER GIRLFRIEND TO THE PROM!
The lesbians are behind you Constance!
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Constance McMillen is an 18 year-old senior at Itawamba Agricultural High School, and she wanted to attend prom with her girlfriend, also an IAHS student. After meeting with school officials, she was told that she and her girlfriend would not be allowed to attend together.
Constance then contacted the ACLU, and they sent the school a letter demanding that the school respect her constitutional right to bring a female student as her prom date and to be able to wear a tux. The school board decided that there was no way they could hold a prom and not allow Constance and her girlfriend to attend, so they canceled it!
The ACLU have filed a complaint in federal court, asking the court to reinstate the prom for all students at the school and charging Itawamba County School District officials with violating Constance McMillens First Amendment right to freedom of expression.
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